Omiyage The Best Souvenirs in Shibuya / Tokyo

「日常にユーモアを」 をテーマするOMIYAGE。観光地にあるお土産屋で売っているような”ハズし”をファッションに取り入れた遊び心が満載で、ユーモア溢れるグラフィックは「それどこの?」と会話が生まれること間違いなし。リーズナブルな価格はまさにオミヤゲ感覚で、 渋谷・東京観光のお土産にもぜひ。
If you look for souvenirs in Shibuya / Tokyo, the recommended brand is “OMIYAGE”. The theme is humor in everyday life, and “OMIYAGE” means souvenir in Japanese.
It develops items that incorporate fashion into the “playfulness” like a souvenir shop in a tourist destination. The graphic with a sense of humor is sure to have a conversation with "Which brand is your top from? "
Reasonable price is just like feeling, by all means as souvenir of sightseeing in Shibuya, Tokyo.